A total of 469 companies in 27 sectors, 8 categories of industry usually are classified into
three types of market capitalization, the big, medium and small. The value of the big market
capitalization must be over 10,000 million baht, the medium one is more than 2,500 million, and
the small one is lower than 2,500 million. Some companies are domestic market oriented while
some are multi/international oriented. They all have different business models even among
the companies in the same sector of business. However, in terms of the quality of business
management from now on into the future, the CSR practice will definitely play important role.
Sooner or later the CSR is inevitable path for all listed companies, by then the concept of the
CSR should become as simple as what Baker defines. According to Baker, CSR is about how
companies manage the business processes to produce an overall positive impact on society.8
He also proposes a diagram of how business nowadays looks like.