Curriculum materials for Grades K- 12 that are intended to promote
teacher learning in addition to student learning have come to be
called educative curriculum materials. How can K- 12 curriculum materials
be designed to best promote teacher learning? What might
teacher learning with educative curriculum materials look like? The
authors present a set of design heuristics for educative curriculum
materials to further the principled design of these materials. They
build from ideas about teacher learning and organize the heuristics
around important parts of a teacher's knowledge base: subject matter
knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge for topics, and pedagogical
content knowledge for disciplinary practices. These heuristics
provide a context for a theoretically oriented discussion of how features
of educative curriculum materials may promote teacher learning,
by serving as cognitive tools that are situated in teachers' practice.
The authors explore challenges in the design of educative curriculum
materials, such as the tension between providing guidance and choice