As our café is the family business and our objective is provide the food and service in the best level same as you do for your family. From objective that we have in our organization and the comments that we received from customer, there can have some room to improve which we will use these objective.
For coffee section that we received one comment regarding the temperature is too hot, as our objective is to provide the food and service same as for yourself and your family, we need to monitor the temperature of coffee in the appropriate level which is approximately between 70 – 80 degrees.
For cooking process that we need to add more type of food on menu, as our majority customer are the same customer, they prefer the new dish that they want to have the chance to select more than the one that they normally order. As per our objective, we also cannot have the same meal every day, so we need to have an action to improve on this comment.
For service section. Even though we have not received any comment from customer on this particular section but we understand our weak point of some of our staffs which still have difficult on English communication. Therefore, we will have some improvement on the service as well by in the new menu, we will add the number on every order that if sometime our staff will unclear when they taking order, they can confirm the order by referring the number on the menu. It can be seen that this action can reduce the error from incorrect order as well.