Hey, what's Vincent Keller doing here? Are you a suspect?
Are the police bringing you in?
Was her heart really ripped out of her chest?
Isn't that how Curt Windsor was murdered? Okay, let us through.
Where was Alistair the night of the murder?
What kind of monster would kill someone like that?
They already think I'm guilty, which is
what Gabe wants them to think, right?
Kill or be killed.
Yeah, well, I'll take my chances.
Yeah, but I won't. You're playing
right into his hands. Don't you see?
He wants you to lose control. He wants you to beast out.
Okay, guys, I don't mean to be the voice of doom here,
How about I call our guardian angel at the FBI?
See if Agent Knox can keep this from getting out of control.
Okay, I'm gonna head back to the precinct.
the investigation, buy us some time.