has not been convinced, can come to try greatly.” Chu Feng has whipped palm with a smile, afterward then that is narrowing the vision, swept to came to crusade against his World Spiritist Alliance people.
„This”, however, after seeing the Chu Feng vision, these people all are the look big changes, hurries to shift the vision, or lowers the head does not speak.
Basic on nobody dares with Chu Feng looking at each other, even if not dare with Wang Chao and Liu Yang of Zhang He colleague.
Continually is Master Bang seventh Zhang He, was struck to defeat, their this is eighth and ninth existence, how also possibly is the Chu Feng match.
At this moment, they regretted that the unusual regret, regrets to come here, regrets to crusade against Chu Feng, early knows that Chu Feng is a such fierce role, even if lends their 100 courage, they do not dare.
After all, at this moment their regions, are really extremely disgraced.
„Ha-ha” at this moment, Chu Feng has smiled, smiled is very contemptuous, smiles some little time, looks that Wang Chao and others said: „Now you know why I said you am, including person who the trash is inferior to?”
Silent, as before is silent, at this moment, World Spiritist numerous juniors, except for silent, seems the safe may do.
Trash, this is they give the definition of Chu Feng, but now, their actually nobody is the Chu Feng match, even nobody dares to fight with Chu Feng.
Thinks that they gathered over a thousand people, arrived here, was shouting loudly the Cyanwood Mountain trash slogan, but actually does not dare to fight with Chu Feng now, their this not the person of trash non- person, what was also?
„Good including the person who the trash is inferior, person who if we are inferior to including the trash, then after is I you defeat, you do not match the manner, was the pig dog inferior?”
However, when most people are silent, the sound resounds from the crowd in together suddenly, at the same time, the form also from the crowd, slowly treads together.
This person, is very long is handsome, the long hair is floating, the elegant bearing, is an absolute handsome man, and will not have certainly will process the day after tomorrow, will be inborn.
Although, he already year about 40, but is still that type only depends on the semblance, person who can be charmed many females.
„Is Brother Chen Mu, good, is Brother Chen Mu comes.”
After seeing this man, some females cannot bear lose one's voice the scream, the man also cheers the call.
Their formerly dispiritedness, already changed to incomparable liking with excited, no matter this man is what background, but his presence, has indeed taken to World Spiritist Alliance numerous position junior many confidence, was similar to saw the liberator was common.
„Chu Feng, he called Chen Mu, was Master Bang sixth.”
„His beforehand cultivation is, is the same to me, is Seventh Rank Martial King, is this time in Coccon Breaking Emperor Array goes out, Eight Rank Martial King that breaks through.”
„Must discuss the strength, he and Zhang He, Wang Chao, the Liu Yang three people differ not much, you can a hand defeat him absolutely.”
„But if by Spirit Formation technique, his Spirit Formation technique is very exquisite, if my Spirit Formation technique, is inferior to the Zhang He three people, then Zhang He three people of Spirit Formation technique, even if adds to the same place, is inferior to this Chen Mu.”
„Therefore , he if competes the strength with you, you can cope with him directly, if competes Spirit Formation technique with you, do not should under.” At this moment, sending greetings of Sima Ying, maps the Chu Feng ear curtain.
„Oh, Ying`er younger sister, it seems like you to my Spirit Formation technique, does not have the confidence.” Chu Feng responded with a smile.
„Has not cracked a joke with you, this Chen Mu old ancestor, is Saint Spiritist Union Elder, he is trained by the old ancestor since childhood, Spirit Formation technique is quite wise, absolutely before is you, has never run into match.” Sima Ying anxious urging.
„Does not need to be worried, my innate discretion.” Chu Feng is very calm saying with a smile.
„Trash, you did not confess uncommonly, thought to be a cut above other people, then you can dare to accept my challenge?” But at this moment, that Chen Mu opens the mouth suddenly.
„Has what does not dare.” Chu Feng said with a smile.
„Good, your I compete Spirit Formation technique, looked whether you can win me.” Sure enough, was guessed by Sima Ying, this Chen Mu has not chosen unexpectedly really with the Chu Feng competion strength, but is the choice competes Spirit Formation technique.
And, he first challenges Chu Feng, latter explained competes anything, this really was extremely mean and shameless.
„What? Competes Spirit Formation technique? Worthily is Brother Chen Mu, was really too quick-witted.”
„That Chu Feng is Cyanwood Mountain disciple, the strength is really uncommon, my World Spiritist All