Because that once invaded their Illusory Demon Realm evil person, was harms Demon Emperor dead, harms Illusory Demon Realm to fall into second hundred years of turbulent chief criminal.
They arrive at Profound Sky Continent with Yun Che, this simply to accompany Xiao Yun gathers with his family member, has not thought that in this it is said Emperor Profound is the highest boundary state, unexpectedly direct and indirect moving to Absolute Monarch Sanctuary and Sun Moon Divine Hall these two fearful existences.
The Number One Under Heaven look is very complex, he arrives at Profound Sky Continent, to protect the Number Seven Under Heaven safety, this thinks that is extremely considers thoroughly discretely, but now, is first day, he has not then been able the mind to be peaceful.
Xia Yuanba sound transmission jade has not received, then suddenly shone, he took up hastily, the soul sound rapid biography from Spiritual Master Gu Cang to his inner world, making his complexion change.
„How your Master did he say?” The Yun Che brow moves, immediately asked. Xia Yuanba Master such quickly gave him to respond, obviously already realized that side Sun Moon Divine Hall had any unusual trend.
Xia Yuanba gains ground, sinking sound track: „Master said that before two double-hour, Sacred Sun Moon Ark departs from Sun Moon Divine Hall, moreover is the flying speed of limit, direction that flies, Blue Wind Nation is at!”
„Sacred Sun Moon Ark!?” The Yun Che brow locks, according to the Ye Qingsheng memory, Sacred Sun Moon Ark is the Sun Moon Divine Hall most top profound boat, although cannot compare Heavenly Sacred Divine Ark that Xia Yuanba this time controls, but the rapidness of speed, wants the cognition of far supernormal person absolutely, and also has the greatly strengthened attack capability.
„I listened to Master saying that Sun Moon Divine Hall Sacred Sun Moon Ark had Heavenly Monarch Ye Meixie and his son Ye Xinghan can control. But Master said a moment ago Ye Meixie is in Supreme Ocean Palace now that Ye Xinghan, certainly in Sacred Sun Moon Ark!” Xia Yuanba clenches jaws to say. These three years of closing up, his strength awakens, such rapidness of promotion, then came from to the hope of revenge strength. But object of revenge, naturally is Ye Xinghan. Now although sees Yun Che to be safe and sound, but actually does not reduce because of the Frozen Cloud Asgard disaster to the Ye Xinghan hatred instead increases, if Ye Xinghan now in his front, even if there is a Yun Che reminder, his also certainly fully fist bang on his head, even if he were Sun Moon Divine Hall Young Master, Heavenly Monarch only son!
„At the Sacred Sun Moon Ark speed, about four double-hour most four -and-a-half double-hour, will arrive again! The brother-in-law, now what to do should we?” Xia Yuanba with was unable to sit, his double fist grips tightly, whole body profound air/Qi beyond control turbulent present his Profound Strength, although already high terror, but the trust and dependence of Yun Che that nearly instinct, is actually has not changed.
Person who „Big Brother Yun, brings Frozen Cloud Asgard with profound boat immediately leaves. Has the Big Brother Yun profound boat, their will not have the matter.” Number Seven Under Heaven to yell.
„It is not good!” Yun Che sinking sound track: „Ye Xinghan this time does not hesitate to use the Sun Moon Divine Hall strongest profound boat full speed to catch up, must not hesitate the price to put in the deathtrap me surely, if makes him come up empty-handed in Frozen Cloud Asgard, ruins Frozen Cloud Asgard still at next, he will aim at Blue Wind's Imperial City to compel me to appear surely immediately, if he has investigated me in the three years, perhaps also will change Floating Cloud City! After all, my status is Blue Wind Imperial Family Prince Consort, Floating Cloud City is my place of birth.”
„But, that is Sun Moon Divine Hall! The father has said that Four Great Sacred Grounds, which regardless, be more formidable than our any Guardian Clan! Depending on our several people, is impossible to deal.” Number Seven Under Heaven anxious [say / way].
„Old Seventh said right.” Number One Under Heaven also seriously said: „Brother Yun, you have that to be able the shuttle space profound boat, even if Sun Moon Divine Hall arrives, you want to protect anyone, can take away them safely. As for other regardless of anything, has not kept the life more important.”
Yun Che vision slightly extension, to other people anxious and slightly hurried, the Yun Che facial expression seems is actually calm many: „If arrived really that step, I naturally can have the profound boat to lead all people to flee, but is only having no recourse time.”
The under foot, is Blue Wind Nation under the disaster, Cang Yue exhausts the final honor that protects completely. How could he makes this Imperial City not destroy in the hand of Divine Phoenix, actually destroys because in the hand of Ye Xinghan.