Malnutrition, a serious threat to the future of the Bad Thing
nutrition and health condition of children in Indonesia, became one of the triggers of the high infant mortality and a toddler in the country. Until now, the nutritional problems still threaten future generations.
based on the official data of the Ministry of national development planning, more than 8 million Indonesia children suffered from malnutrition. In the world, Indonesia is in a bad position.
Indonesia is currently still a contributor to child mortality pigmy (stunting) and undernourished in the world, the amount of the total reached 165 million. Malnourished children can be seen from the size of the Agency, a dwarf and low weight. Children who are malnourished are usually born with a weight of under 2.5 kilograms.
Malnutrition in children under two years of age, causing them to easily hurt. In addition, the development of the body of the child until adulthood is not optimal, low productivity, low motor skills, and the ability to lower competitiveness. The child since birth have been undernourished, the adult will be hard to grow up healthy.
In Indonesia, conditions of children stunted and malnourished are mostly found in East Nusa Tenggara. Almost half the children under 10 years belongs to the dwarf.
Refers to the data that belongs to the Ministry of health, the condition of child nutrition Indonesia throughout the year 2013 is generally divided into three groups, namely the nutritional problems that have been brought under control, nutrition is not finished and issues new nutrient that threatens public health.
child's Problems dwarf currently belongs to seriously threaten Indonesia toddler. Based on the results of the Riskesdas in 2007, found the prevalence of stunted children achieve 36,8 percent and successfully reduced to 35.6 percent in 2010.
While the nutritional problems less, still overshadowing the future of children in Indonesia. Despite the efforts continue, but handling is in line with the increasing number of children are stunted, with malnutrition and less bad also increased to 19.6 percent in 2013. Whereas efforts to reduce nutritional toddler less successfully done, from 18.4 percent (Riskesdas 2007) to 17.9 per cent (Riskesdas 2010).
Community Development Director Ministry of Health Nutrition, Doddy Izwardy to Jia Xiang Hometown in Jakarta, Friday (10/1/14), although the impact is very serious for the quality of human resources, but until now have not all parties are aware of the magnitude of the threat faced by the children of Indonesia. "The involvement of all stakeholders is needed to face the challenge of this magnitude," he said.
Meanwhile, related issues of nutrition, Nafsiah Mboi Health Minister thus claim that a high number of malnourished children in ground water due to the low culture of healthy living. According to him, many families have yet to understand the habits of a healthy life.
for handling these problems, Nafsiah Mboi said, The Ministry of health continues to record the real number of children suffering from malnutrition. However, it was not able to ascertain the number of children with malnutrition reaches 8 million as reported by the Ministry of national development planning
Nafsiah Mboi. can only ensure, the Ministry of health through the health services throughout Indonesia, continued to deal with children who are undernourished, including prevention efforts.
preventive efforts to reduce one of the children with poor nutrition, the Ministry of health conduct early prevention of nutritional education on the expectant mother. During this they monitored continuously to prevent children born with low weight intake feeding Program.
nutritional supplement also became one of the flagship programs of the Government. Intake is given to pregnant women and providing additional nutritional intake in children schools.
Handling Efforts
Bina Director Ministry of Health Nutrition, Doddy Izwardy explains nutrition in Indonesia is still a major threat against the high maternal and child mortality, so prevention efforts and penanggulangannya continue to be optimized. These things are going to get worse and become a serious problem if not addressed early on.
According to Doddy, malnutrition problems be solved in a comprehensive manner through the efforts of preventive, curative and promotif. Promotif efforts, namely the prevention of malnutrition before they occur. Some efforts include growth monitoring, counseling, NURSING, toddler feeding, vitamin A tablets Fe on pregnant women, a promotional salt beryodium, active screening and nutritional education.
case less nutrition, prevention is an extra Feeding (PMT) nutritional recovery. For funding at the level of the Centre is Oprasional Help Clinics (BOK) but optimized.
When cases of malnutrition already is happening, curative efforts being done is through the management of childhood malnutrition through inpatient procedure clinics or hospitals or outpatient.
To increasingly tackle the severity of things of the nutrition of children in Indonesia, issued Presidential Regulation No. 42 2013 National Movement about the acceleration of improvements in nutrition. These programs focus on the first 1,000 days of life. The Program is expected to reduce malnutrition rate in children.[For/U1]