Firstly, Singapore is a multi racial country, there are many culture difference within the small nation. The cultural difference in Singapore imposes many difficulties for the company’s human resource management team. This is because the team has to deal with the multi racial population and the difference in each racial group. The team also have to determine the different recruitment and selection criteria for each different company in order to avoid racial disharmony and racial discrimination within the company or the country.
The multi language from the multi racial company also poses as one major issue for the human resource team in each company. Although English are commonly use in the country, english is not the national language of the country and not everyone in Singapore is able to speak either the national language or english.
Secondly, Singapore consist of an aging and small population that poses as a threat to the economy after all. This poses as a problem to firms and companies that are in Singapore because havi ng an aging and small population will also prove that the country do not have a consistent efficient workforce to sustain the company’s workflow. With an aging and small population in Singapore, the human resource teams will then tends to have more difficulty when recruiting a talent from such small pool of people and eventually, having to outsource to foreign talents in order to sustain the high standard and demands of the market globally.
Thirdly, to maintain the standard in a competitive world, the human resource management team must be able to create and recruit a sustainable workforce, as well as maintaining a diverse pool of talent that will help to counter the future challenges. This will then boil down to the talent management and succession planning by the human resource management’s professionals. There is need to plan for future challenges and always staying on the ball of knowing what skill sets are necessary to develop and hone in employees.
Lastly, the human resource professionals need to have a global perspective when it comes to the recruitment. The human resource professionals now need to look beyond the micro side of human resource management, the details of turnover rate or demographics, and instead of having a holistic global perspective. Cost also remain as in important consideration when it comes to the recruitment. The current gap of mature competencies in professionals today needs to be bridged via further learning and development schemes. Companies can also look into training junior managers to build competency in their current workforce.