In this chapter, the researcher described the research methodology used in this study to
test the hypotheses and the rationale behind it. Sellitz, Johoda, Deutsch, and Cook (1966)
suggested that for any research to be purposeful, it should discover answers to the
research questions. The researcher used this chapter to explain the methodology of the
study. Detailed information was provided to explain the context of the study, the
participants, the instruments, and the methods used in gathering the data. The chapter
ended with an explanation of the analysis of the data.
The researcher’s purpose of this study was to discover if any relationship existed
between servant leadership and organizational commitment. To investigate the problem,
the following research questions and null hypotheses were analyzed:
1. Does the pastor’s servant leadership style of leadership have an effect on staff
affective commitment to the organization?
Hypothesis 1a: There will be no significant correlation between the pastor’s
altruistic calling and staff affective commitment to the organization.
Hypothesis 1b: There will be no significant correlation between the pastor’s
emotional healing and staff affective commitment to the organization.
Hypothesis 1c: There will be no significant correlation between the pastor’s
wisdom and staff affective commitment to the organization.
Hypothesis 1d: There will be no significant correlation between the pastor’s
persuasive mapping and staff affective commitment to the organization.
Hypothesis 1e: There will be no significant correlation between the pastor’s
organizational leadership and staff affective commitment to the organization.
Servant Leadership and Organizational Commitment 41
2. Does the pastor’s servant leadership style of leadership have an effect on staff
continuance commitment to the organization?
Hypothesis 2a: There will be no significant correlation between the pastor’s
altruistic calling and staff continuance commitment to the organization.
Hypothesis 2b: There will be no significant correlation between the pastor’s
emotional healing and staff continuance commitment to the organization.
Hypothesis 2c: There will be no significant correlation between the pastor’s
wisdom and staff continuance commitment to the organization.
Hypothesis 2d: There will be no significant correlation between the pastor’s
persuasive mapping and staff continuance commitment to the organization.
Hypothesis 2e: There will be no significant correlation between the pastor’s
organizational stewardship and staff continuance commitment to the organization.
3. Does the pastor’s servant leadership style of leadership have an effect on staff
normative commitment to the organization?
Hypothesis 3a: There will be no significant correlation between the pastor’s
altruistic calling and staff normative commitment to the organization.
Hypothesis 3b: There will be no significant correlation between the pastor’s
emotional healing and staff normative commitment to the organization.
Hypothesis 3c: There will be no significant correlation between the pastor’s
wisdom and staff normative commitment to the organization.
Hypothesis 3d: There will be no significant correlation between the pastor’s
persuasive mapping and staff normative commitment to the organization.
Servant Leadership and Organizational Commitment 42
Hypothesis 3e: There will be no significant correlation between the pastor’s
organizational stewardship and staff normative commitment to the organization