The samples involved in this present study consisted of 132 respondents who work as Front Desk Assistants in
hotel industry, in Malaysia. Out of 132 respondents, 74 respondents (56.1%) were female while the remaining 58
respondents (43.9%) were male respondents. This has shown that the majority of the frontline employees in the
hotel industry are dominated by female. 47% of the total respondents (62 respondents) were Malaysian Chinese
while the Malays made up 43.2% of the samples (57 respondents) and Indians made up 4.5% (6 respondents). The
remaining 5.3% of the respondents consisted of other races (7 respondents). Based on the data collected, it is
identified that the majority of the respondents was from the middle-aged group between 21 and 30 years old
(55.3%), followed by those aged between 31 and 40 years old (37.9%). The smallest group was those from 41-50
years old (6.8%). None of the respondents were from the younger group (below 21 years old) and the older group
(above 50 years old). As depicted in Table 1, the marital status breakdown has shown that 83 respondents (63%) are
married, while the remaining 49 respondents (37%) are single. Most of the frontline employees have an educational
qualification up to Diploma and Degree level. Diploma holders constitute a total of 72 respondents (54.5%) and the
remaining 60 respondents (45.5%) are Degree holders. Based on the respondents’ job tenure information, only 12
respondents (9.1%) have been working for more than 7 years in their current hotels. 51 respondents (38.6%) have
been working for at least 4 to 6 years whereas 43 respondents (32.6%) have been working for 1 to 3 years while the
balance of 26 respondents (19.7%) have had work experience of less than 1 year. The majority of the respondents
have reported that frontline employees are low income earners. Generally, the result has shown that the monthly
salary of the frontline employees does not exceed RM2000. Approximately 63.6% of the total respondents earn
between RM1001-RM2000 per month while 36.4% of them earn below RM1000 per month.