Under the following circumstances, you are required to obtain approval from your Code Administrator before you or a family member who resides with you invests in any business entity with which Wells Fargo has a business relationship and if either of the following is true:
• If the investment creates, or gives the appearance of creating, a conflict of interest because of size, value, or other reason.
• If the investment is arranged, sponsored, or participated in by a customer or a director of Wells Fargo & Company and is not made available generally to the public on substantially the same terms.
If you or a family member who resides with you owns an investment or an option to acquire an interest in, has loaned money to, or has guaranteed the obligations of an entity that later becomes a customer or vendor of Wells Fargo and, in turn, that investment is brought under this rule, you must notify your Code Administrator as soon as practical and act at his or her direction to prevent or resolve any conflict of interest.