In last decade women’ entrance in the corporate world has been increased remarkably. Even some women have achieved the highest position in their career. Although in the traditional societal structure the perception is that women career should be focused on raising the children and taking care of other family members. In the corporate world too, it is most often found that in the name of survival through competition different obstacles are created for women like odd work hour, overtime or over week etc. Sometimes, women have to give explanation and get approval from family for their long hour absence from home or even to go outside the town for business trip. Even in the workplace sometimes women face discriminatory behavior by the male counterparts in different forms, such as, lack of refreshment room, dining or prayers room.
Therefore, advancement in the career is a challenging task for the female workers in the male
dominated enterprises. In the high competitive job markets women are generally mal-perceived
and it is holding those males are better to discharge the responsibilities as compared to their
female counterparts.