Compared to other widely-studied human behaviors, sleep has been a rather misunderstood phenomenon over the course of human history. Not until recently have humans attempted to understand how and why we sleep. As recent as the 19th century, physicians believed that sleep was caused by a lack of blood flow to the brain. Plato theorized that sleep was caused by vapors rising from the stomach and up through the body until they eventually clogged the pores of the brain, causing people to fall asleep.
As time has marched on people have gained a much wider understanding of why we sleep, dream and, most importantly, how to do so comfortably. To show our readers how we've arrived at this point, here's a brief timeline of sleep history:
*10,000 years ago -* People began sleeping on primitive versions of the modern bed. Although it hasn't been proven by science, the first bed was most likely created by an ancestor of our own Larry Miller.