3.2. What are the qualities of Strategic Leaders?
Below we present some of the most significant elements a strategic leader must have:
∞ Think strategically [26]: Strategic leadership is about leading, guiding and influencing your group members
to think strategically about their own competencies.
∞ Ability to look at the big vision: Strategic leadership requires the ability to predict and understand the work
environment. It requires detachment and ability to look at the broader vision. They have a generic point of
view and a good working ability about many issues that are of organizational importance.
∞ Change Adaptability: Adapting strategy to changing business requirements [27] is the aim if a leader wants to
remain essential to business. The procedure of estimating your available leadership knowledge and gauging
your team to lead the change to enable business meet its objectives is change adaptability.
∞ Dedication: Powerful and effective leaders exhibit their dedication [28] to the overall vision of the company
and align their departmental vision to overall vision.
∞ Motivation [29]: Strategic leaders must have a desire for work that goes beyond power and money and also
they lay out in their members to motivate them to achieve objectives with power and decisiveness.
Leaders who act strategically are able to see a range of chances and guidance, far in the future of the current
phase of organizational development, like a good chess player. For the IT Leader, there must be a continuous
focus to comprehend how their function provides value to the organization and a series of internal and external
reactions that may modify the action which need to be taken at future stages to increase that value.