In this paper, our study aims to see the impact of mobility
and traffic models on the energy consumed by the control
packet (routing/MAC) deployed in ad hoc networks. For this,
we simulated a network of 50 nodes moving according to a
mobility model: Random Waypoint, Manhattan or RPGM,
and whose connections communicate in a particular traffic
model (CBR, Exponential, and Pareto).
From the above study and obtained simulation results, we
observe that with any mobility model and any routing
protocols, the network consumes more energy if the traffic
used is CBR. By cons, energy consumption varies for other
traffic according to the mobility model used and depending on
the routing protocol studied. And we show that the energy
consumption at MAC layer is less for the three protocols with
any mobility models and any traffic models in comparison of
energy consumption at routing layer.
We have seen that AODV consume more energy compared
to DSR and DSDV with CBR traffic while it consumes less
energy compared to DSR and DSDV with Pareto and
Exponential traffics. The energy consumption in CBR traffic
is more than the Pareto traffic for all mobility models, while
energy consumption in Exponential traffic is less than the
Pareto traffic.