Juliette Alban-Metcalfe Real World Group, Leeds, UK, and Beverly Alimo-Metcalfe School of Management, University of Bradford, Bradford, UK. Their objective in the research is presenting evidence of the reliability and validity of the “Local Government 360 (LG360)”, a diagnostic tool for assessing both competent and engaging leadership behavior among managers and professionals in local government. Leadership in human nature, which is a measure of these five leadership principles, which in this research, they have the potential to become research leaders by using these 5.
They design method on the assessment both of leadership competencies and engaging leadership behaviors is essential for a valid diagnosis of individuals‟ strengths and developmental needs. They used questionnaire six of the leadership scales had a predictive link with “reduced job-related stress”, five scales with “job satisfaction”, four with “organizational commitment” and “intention to stay”, and three with “motivation” and “self-confidence
This research used The data come from evidence is presented of the internal consistency and the criterion and discriminant of the tool and sample comprising 288 local government staff, of whom 143 were female and 77 male; 58 were from a Black and Minority Ethnic background and 220 were White. And on the impact of leadership behavior on direct to work provided by powerful in providing evidence to emphasize that the way in which a leader behaves can have a significant effect on staff attitudes and wellbeing at work. They used alpha coefficients to analyze the data.
Accordingly, I think this research is to demonstrate that the behavior of leaders and potential leaders in the work of a dramatic effect on the attitude and quality of life in the performance of employees in an organization.