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Internal political communication – LabourThe marketing techniques and promotional devices described in this chapterand the previous one are not pursued in isolation but as part of a communicationsstrategy which will ideally be co-ordinated and synchronised.Parties, like commercial organisations, must develop channels of internalcommunication, so that members (and particularly those involved in a publiccapacity) are aware of the ‘message’ to be delivered at any given time, andto ensure that the different elements of the public relations operation areworking with each other effectively. Failure to put in place such channels canresult in public relations disasters and electoral failures, as the Labour Partyfound to its cost in the 1983 campaign. Hughes and Wintour note that ‘theparty [in 1983] ran an inept and disorganised campaign, led by one of theleast appropriate figures ever to head either of the two dominant politicalparties’ (1993, p. 6). We have already referred to some of the problemsassociated with then Labour leader Michael Foot’s personal image. Equallydamaging, if not more so, to the party’s campaign in 1983 was the generallack of co-ordination and planning in the public presentation of policy.Heffernan and Marqusee agree that the 1983 campaign was ‘badly organisedand its media strategy non-existent’ (1992, p. 28), and that defence policy inparticular was mishandled: ‘A spreading cloud of political double talkobscured the basic humanistic message about nuclear disarmament which,opinion polls had shown, was capable of commanding substantial publicsupport’ (ibid., p. 32).Elsewhere I have examined in some detail Labour’s handling of its defencepolicy in 1983 (McNair, 1988, 1989). An analysis of television newscoverage of the campaign revealed that Labour’s leadership failed to make acoherent statement of the policy, not least because Denis Healey, MichaelFoot, Roy Hattersley, and other senior figures appeared to disagree onimportant aspects of it. While the Conservatives in 1983 fought an incisiveand aggressive campaign against Labour’s non-nuclear defence programme,
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