Some of these rules are general features of Pac-Man, while others are specific to our implementation.
For example the original arcade game lacks the rules 7 and 8, but has rules for scoring. Here we skip these additional rules in favor of a smaller download footprint and faster run time cycles.
To be strict, we had to define some additional rules concerning the display ....
In short we define:
27) the pacman moves in alternating 3 animation phases in 4 directions
28) a stopped pacman is not animated
29) a ghost moves in 2 animation phases in 2 directions
30) there are 4 ghosts in different colors
31) a ghost changes color in panic mode
32) a ghost changes to another color just before the end of panic mode
33) panic and end-of-panic-mode color are the same for all ghosts
34) dead ghosts homebound are displayed as eyes only
34) the maze is defined by borders and passages
36) border tiles can have 0 to 4 connections to other tiles
37) a pacman life's end is animated as shrinking pacman in 3 phases
38) a caught ghost is indicated by a single image animation
39) levels are displayed in a level-display at the bottom of the maze
40) player lives are indicated as pacman characters at the bottom of the maze
41) the end of the game is indicated by a special "game over" display