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The crude oil is traceable to the productionperiod required to fill a tank.High capacity refining and fractionation plants deliver thefollowing main products:* RBD palm oil (Refined, Bleached and Deodorized), mainlyused as semi solid fat and as feedstock for fractionation.* RBD palm olein, the liquid fraction of palm oil after fractionation,which is largely used as cooking oil in Asia and Africa.* RBD palm stearin, the solid fraction of palm oil after fractionation,used as vegetable fat and for soap making. RBD palmstearin is now an important component in mixes replacingpartly hydrogenated fats.The input of the refinery can be traced to the supplying oilmills that delivered into the feeding tank. Batch and semi-continuousrefining and fractionation processes can be fully traceablevia batch tracking. The output of a continuous processtraces back to the crude oil feeding tank with a correction forthe oil content of the refining equipment.Palm products are transported from oil mills or fractionationplants to large shore tanks in the port of departure by sealedroad tankers or barges. The shore tanks for crude palm oil normallycontain deliveries of more mills since the shipped parcelsize is large compared to the oil mill production capacity. Palmfractions and palm kernel oil can be shipped in smaller volumes.Three types of ships are used for overseas transport of palm products:1. Bulk tankers. Capacity 15,000 to 75,000 MT, interconnectedtanks. Used for large volumes of crude palm oil. Loading anddischarge may occur in several ports or port locations. Thefull content of the ship will be a mixture of all loaded parcels.The output of many oil mills is required to fill one ship2. Parcel tankers. Capacity 15,000 to 50,000 MT, separated tanksof different size Used for smaller parcels of palm fractions and palm kerneloil. The pump plan, supervised by the superintendent, guaranteestraceability from shore tanks at loading to ship tanksand shore tanks at unloading3. Coasters. Capacity 750 to 6,500 MT. Used for regional transportafter trans-shipment from ocean going vessels. Usuallyfully traceable via pump plan to supplying ship or shore tank.Supply chain after overseas shippingThe schematic overview of the supply chain from overseas shippingto consumer goods manufacturing is shown in Figure 3.After overseas shipping, the further processing of oils and fatsintended for human consumption is regulated by law or internationalstandard contract (FOSFA). The rules for processing aftershipment are:* RBD and fully refined oils transported in stainless steel orepoxy coated ship tanks can be used without further processing,if the 3 previous cargoes in the tank have been foodstuffs.Further processing may be required to improve thequality.* All oils transported in stainless steel or epoxy coated shiptanks can be used after further processing (at least bleachingand deodorization), if the direct previous cargo is foodstuff orfrom the list of allowed previous cargoes (EU or FOSFA).Most intercontinental transport of palm oil and palm productsis crude or RBD in bulk or parcel tankers where the directprevious cargo is from the allowed cargo list. Hence, further processingafter shipping is required. This processing will includebleaching and deodorization as minimum refining treatment.The refined palm oil, palm fractions, or palm kernel oil, can beused as such or after modification of their chemical/physicalproperties. A combination of oil modification technologies, fractionation,full hydrogenation, and interesterification, are usedto create fats with optimized melting curves for use as an ingredientin spreads, bakery fats, cream, etc. (see [3]). Figure 3 shows,as example, the manufacturing route of palm stearin interesterifiedwith palm kernel oil.The feedstock of the refinery/modification plant can be tracedto the ship or ship tank via the intermediate storage at the portof arrival. Traceability of the refining process is equal to thatdescribed in section 2. Fractionation, hydrogenation, and chemicalinteresterification are in general batch processes and can befully traceable by batch tracking. Enzymatic interesterificationis a continuous process; the output can be traced to the oil feedtank with a correction for the oil content of the enzyme reactors.Consumer products have a brand name showing the marketingcompany and a product code on pack specifying the dateand time of production, production location and sometimes aunique batch number. This information allows identification ofthe tanks or packaging from which the ingredients were delivered.Intermediate transport, packing or mixing between refineryand consumer goods manufacturer are also fully traceableconnecting the consumer product to the supplying refinery.
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