Facing Hong Crown Prince, Underworld Alliance all abyss devils are greatly intense.
Repairing of big Hong Crown Prince is, is center position True God peak, moreover he compared with these old center position True God, but also stronger big several points.
Facing such match, only depends on Lin Ming, Sheng Mei and deep photo at is not the match.
If outside, they can also scatter in all directions to escape, is in this underground world, they look like the dead pigeons, had no place to hide!
Murderous Qi scatters slowly in the devils of two big alliances, the air suddenly as if freeze, the strength weak point devil, moved is very difficult.
Sheng Mei deeply inspired, has gotten hold of the bone sword in hand, her spirit, unprecedented dedicated, got hold of the delicate hands slightly seeping perspiration of bone sword, facing Hong Crown Prince such enemy, she was also greatly hard to be calm.
She is clear, this combat general will be arduous.
„! The handle sword of Saint Your Highness Enchantress, is really extraordinary, seemed the remains of antiquity saints and sages builds, quality still above True God Spirit Treasure! What a pity, it cannot bring the miracle for you today, Saint Your Highness Enchantress, you why bother with me for enemy, not, if pledges allegiance to with me, your I double cultivation, inquires about the secret of eternal life together, how?”
After big Hong Crown Prince spoke these words, swept Lin Ming one at will, in the vision has flashed through a contemptuous and cruel color,
Sheng Mei is honored as the dark abyss first female, if can obtain her, double cultivation with it, to his cultivation to be of great advantage.
As for Lin Ming, is the Sheng Mei established fiance, he must unify with Sheng Mei, naturally must eradicate first Lin Ming.
No matter Lin Ming talent how, what the war of life and death compares is the absolute strength, he has confidence Lin Ming completely kills.
Lin Ming maintains composure, in the mind is analyzing greatly Hong Crown Prince strength rapidly, facing greatly Hong Crown Prince, once fights. He was impossible to hide the main body, must whole-heartedly.
In this case, the situation somewhat has troubled, this means that must these see the abyss devil of his appearance eliminates a potential informant completely!
Moreover that deep photo, after seeing own main body, can the treachery?
„You, one will hit with tightening me, the moment that having no other choice, I will use some secret techniques. When the time comes you shield me!”
Because Lin Ming has not mentioned the name, Sheng Mei called Lin Ming is „you”.
Hears sending greetings of Sheng Mei, in the Lin Ming heart moves slightly, is, Sheng Mei has followed Spirit Emperor, at crucial moment, feared that should have some maintaining life cards in a hand.
This war, Lin Ming does not want to reveal that unless it is absolutely essential own main body, that will have too many troubles.
In the Lin Ming mind has delimited these thoughts fast. At this time, only listened to one to call out in alarm transmits.
In the people heart is startled, in abundance by sensation investigation to calling out in alarm the origin of sound. But that they see, lets numerous devil creepy feeling immediately.
Before a moment ago several rests, two already did not belong to Underworld Alliance, does not belong to the Great Alliance Heavenly Elder level devil, wants while the Underworld Alliance Great Alliance two big influences fight, first one step submerges in the lake, quietly seeks for the treasure, avoids being killed by two big influences.
But when they step the lake shore. A piece looks like in the average not wonderful swampy ground time, the Heavenly Elder devil that advances one step slightly, does not know that stepped on the what thing, a suddenly black fog ascension, covered in which this Heavenly Elder devil.
The fierce scales that time of short rest, this abyss devil whole body fierce shivering, originally his body surface covers fall off in abundance, the strong body turns into the bloody water unexpectedly. Crash-bang flows.
He such directly melted, only the remaining heads, stared the big eye, panic-stricken was looking at the sky, but was quick. This head, dissolved.
Until death. His does not have the throat, as for the calling out in alarm sound, was his companion sends out.
The inexplicableness that a Heavenly Elder level devil, such dies, melts baseless, this, really extremely infiltrates the human.
Heavenly Elder level devil complexion of that survival is pallid, the atmosphere does not dare to leave one, he gradually, careful toward retreat, wants to withdraw from this piece is similar to the abyss hell general murder bog.
He has experienced many life and death scenes after all, at this time, but can also maintain calm, he is clear, if turn the head on running away, possibly can die is quicker.