A white beard old man opens the mouth saying that this person of name called Shangguan Wei, quite had the origin, was the sword state Shangguan Clan person, the Shangguan Clan influence is enormous, was not weak in Ten Thousand Sword Sect, dares to annoy in the entire sword state few people.
„Good, said on with Shangguan brother that has killed Jiang Chen, the belongings equal division, how does everybody think?”
Another person opens the mouth to say.
„Good, such has decided that we today these many people, even if his Jiang Chen has superhuman, must die without doubt.”
Some people echo, other people are also the big his head, Murderous Qi soar to the heavens, has regarded the game Jiang Chen thoroughly.
Another side, Wu Jiu is stroking the beard with the hand, calmly looks at the present aspect, did not speak, he wants to have a look very much, these many masters united in together, can Jiang Chen cope.
But Guan Yiyun and Tian Yi Shan et al. the complexions are quite unattractive, 50-60 people of camps, cultivation to lowly is Divine Core Realm Middle Stage, such strength, completely is not the same day outer area time can compare, may not place on a par.
„Paternal grandmother, this group of bastards were too shameless, does not know that Jiang Boss can deal with.”
Wang Heng somewhat worried.
„Relax, you have not seen on the river Junior Brother face self-confident? He never handles matter that has not grasped.”
Guan Yiyun said that he has the extremely formidable confidence to Jiang Chen.
„Right, do not forget previous time Brother Jiang the method in the outer area foothold, at that time Brother Jiang Heavenly Core Realm Late Stage, present Brother Jiang, is Divine Core Realm, these person of one have not been the Brother Jiang matches, among them did not have the specially tacit coordination, at all was not the Brother Jiang match.”
Tian Yi Shan said.
Dozens Divine Core Realm master statures in a flash, siege Jiang Chen in the midair in the center, on faces is having the fierce smiling face.
„I am thinking also gathers your belongings, then forgives your lives, now looks like, does not need.”
Jiang Chen light saying, the long sword in hand makes buzz the sound of cry, the sword glow swings the faint trace ripples in void.
„Jiang Chen, do not resist stubbornly at bay, today you died.”
Shangguan Wei opens the mouth to say.
„Right? Your first gets rid to give a try, look can kill me.”
The Jiang Chen squint looks to Shangguan Wei, this Shangguan Wei cultivation for in this is profound, has been enough and profound honorable person has compared, such character, even if in Shangguan Clan, wants to come also to have certain status, but Jiang Chen does not place in it the eye as before.
„Snort! The ignorant young child, making me come to get rid first.”
A good chap one step takes forward, he grasps a gold to fight the spear, the Divine Core Realm Late Stage imposing manner releases completely, frightened, his arm in a flash, fights the spear to make buzz the sound of cry, was puncturing to Jiang Chen.
What a pity, this good chap also saw before Jiang Chen, strikes to kill that Divine Core Realm Late Stage scene, otherwise, cannot first getting rid.
Jiang Chen shook the head, drinks the blood sword same to turn toward that good chap to puncture just like the poisonous snake.
The long sword just likes the long line, collides in the war spear of match together, scratches the big piece the spark, the Jiang Chen strength was too aggressive, got rid probably a mountain to press.