Notice 2013-61 contains streamlined procedures for employers who wish to file refund claims for payroll taxes paid on previously taxed health insurance and fringe benefits provided to same-sex spouses. If an employer withheld employment taxes for same-sex spouse benefits paid to or on behalf of an employee in the third quarter of 2013 and repaid or reimbursed the employee for these amounts before filing Form 941, Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return, for the third quarter of 2013 (normally due Oct. 31), the employer should not have reported these wages and withholding on that form. If the employer did not repay or reimburse the employee for the over-collected amount before it filed the third quarter 2013 Form 941, the employer must have reported the overcollected amount on that return and can use one of two special administrative procedures to make an adjustment or claim a refund.