4.8. Party B bears all costs for services such as: litters treatment, solid waste treatment, post and telecommunication, power using, underground water using…. These services will be implemented by Services Supply Contract. In addition, party B bears the cost for cleanup the area outside the fence in front of party B’s factory, or Party B is responsible for making hygiene by itself. (The costs for illuminating and cleanup the area outside the fence in front of party B’s factory about USD 0.10//m2/year before VAT 10%)
4.9. Party B shall ensure that the daily use water and wastewater discharged from party B’s factory to the Industrial Zone’s sewer drainage system shall be at level B according to Vietnamese standards. Party A will be responsible for wastewater treatment from level B to level A by signing a Service Contract between the two parties.Water treatment charge from level B to level A (at present, about USD 0.30/m3 before VAT 10%). In case Party B fails to implement the environment commitment as agreed, party A will apply some measures that Party B’s system will be disconnected into Industrial zone wastewater system.
4.10. Party B ensures that the land lease rental and payment mode at the Article 3.2 is applied for any case of using and non-using of the leased land during the land lease term of this Contract.