Similarly, the reducing power of the extracts increased with concentration. Each state of blossoms showed different activities. However, all extracts from the 3rd stage were the most effective (Fig. 3). As can be seen from Table 2, the methanol crude extracts displayed the highest reducing power with EC50 of 0.19-0.46 mg/mL). In contrast, the hexane crude extract at stage 1 exhibited the least in reducing power activity. Again, their efficiencies were less than BHA (EC50 = 0.026 mg/mL) and ascorbic acid (EC50 = 0.016 mg/mL There was also a correlation between the DPPH radical scavenging and the reducing power. The methanol extracts giving the highest DPPH scavenging, exhibited the greatest reducing power as well. Hence, in addition to phenolic compounds, the methanol extracts also contain other substances that promote reducing activity