My Mother Won't Give Back My Kids!!
I gave up custody of my two boys eight years ago and although everyone said I made the best choice at the time, my boys and I have suffered ever since.
I was into a lot of bad things, drugs, drinking, and not to mention having two children in one year. The worst part was that their dad rapped me and that is how I ended up pregnant with my second son, oh but he was on acid and did not even remember this horrific account until I told him a couple years ago.
So I decided that I needed to learn how to have a bond with my second son because there were alot of problems due to how I got pregnant not to mention I had just learned that I was bipolar and thought I was losing my mind.
I gave my mom custody for a year, but it obviously took longer to get my disorder under control. Anyway my mom some how obtained custody for after the year was up and never contacted me to notify me. So ever since then I have been fighting to get my kids back.
My mom is going back to her old habbits of drinking, and I ended up in foster care when she drank before. My children are overweight, and my mom never takes them anywhere or does any recreational things with them, the go with counselors but that is not the same.
I need someone to understand and possibly point me in the right direction. I have been turned away from legal aid, they said they would have to represent her. I miss my babies, and worry about them constantly. Now she says if anything happens to her she will put in her will they have to go to my aunt, is this true, can she do that?