That monster beast was too strong, although is only repairing of Third Rank Martial Lord is, but actually diverted Fourth Rank Martial Lord Wang Long and Lan Xi.
At this moment, all people on the scene were shocked, even many people frightened, because of fighting of Martial Lord powerhouse, at all are not they can participate, even the complementary waves overflow together, sufficiently makes them be killed violently.
At present, can maintain calm only, then only has Chu Feng one person, after he brings Su Rou et al. were entering the palace, not thorough, but stands in the edge, both hands hug in the front alternately, calmly is looking at present one.
„Special protector?” This is Chu Feng gives the status of this monster beast, because he discovered that this monster beast is not simple, its both eyes blood red, is not only the spunk, but also is seeping strangely, resembling is brainwashed.
And do not look that its strength is very strong, even can jump the ranks to fight, is within the body strength very empty, judges by the situations of various aspects, Chu Feng thought that this monster beast was brainwashed, as soon as it Senior the great monster beast, rather it sees only the human then to kill, the ominous beast that the bloodthirsty becomes second nature is more appropriate.
However what is undeniable, it indeed is a monster beast, and in the body of this monster beast, flows the noble blood relationship, however how, it was brainwashed, and was been very long by the seal, therefore it can not eat and drink since the survival, but was a pity that reduced for the tool of murder, said that it is the life body, tool that rather lets the human to organize.
Therefore Chu Feng guesses, this monster beast, very possible is these millennium old city actual masters, but actually protects here for other people now the tool.
„Bang ~~~~~”
Suddenly, is one grating thunders to resound, follows that only terrifying monster beast also sends out a pitiful yell, after having swayed several bodies, „bang” lies down in the place.
Died, that build was huge, the monster beast of strength tyrannical terror, cut to kill by Wang Long and Lan Xi with joint forces, two people at this moment were sweating profusely, pant, obviously has also abandoned many strengths.
„Fierce, after all does not have the monster beast of spirit wisdom, if it has the spirit wisdom, can use various techniques using the bloodline, the strength will strengthen the several fold, perhaps Wang Long and Lan Xi will collaborate are not its match.”
„Is this then the millennium old city actual masters? It seems like also is really one crowd of formidable tribal groups, was a pity, even if formidable, actually has become.” In the Chu Feng heart sighed darkly.
„Cannot think that you also dare to come, that two boys, have not conveyed the words that I did speak to you?” Suddenly, ice-cold biting cold sound resounds together.
Is Wang Long, Wang Long at this moment had discovered Chu Feng et al., correct use that fills including the killing intent vision is staring at Chu Feng, and his corners of the mouth are hanging the happy expression, that struck to kill the self-satisfacation of this monster beast, there are to see chuckling to oneself after Chu Feng, but here the homicide fell the Chu Feng golden opportunity, washed off the shame the golden opportunity.
Hears this words, Liu Zhenwei and Wang Yue et al., understood Wang Long Meaning, that type in vision that looks at to Chu Feng, performs takes pleasure in others'misfortunes, with incomparable venting spleen, they thought that Chu Feng must be faced with imminent disaster.
At this moment, the willow eyebrows tight wrinkle besides Lan Xi full is worries outside, in that group of people is the corners of the mouth belt smiles, as if anticipated very much that Wang Long maltreats the Chu Feng good play.
„Prosperous rumble”
However, but also does not need Chu Feng to answer, this main hall actually suddenly fierce tremor, and in the terminus place of main hall, presented a blood red trace unexpectedly, is proliferating unceasingly.
„Is that?”
That is one big, at this moment big was being activated, but activation this big, is the blood of that monster beast, the blood flows in the surface unexpectedly, is drawing up a bright red big chart.
Meanwhile, the entrance of main hall already sealed up, all around ray twinkle, in all around of this main hall, presented over a thousand monster beasts finally unexpectedly.
„Oh, what's all this about?”