„Right, is I.”
Jiang Chen nodded, if were yesterday, he probably must dread several points to Retired Emperor, but today, Retired Emperor of 2-Tier Battle King rank, cannot be cared by Jiang Chen.
„You have killed old emperor advocating peace Emperor Wu, cuts to kill the Saint Martial King Dynasty emperor man, is who gives you such big courage.”
Retired Emperor shouted angrily immediately, thinks that at present this youth to the heavy loss that Saint Martial King Dynasty causes, the Retired Emperor anger does not hit one.
„Makes the mistake naturally to take the consequence, your Saint Martial King Dynasty is doomed to destroy in the hand of my Jiang Chen, you are no exception, today, Saint Martial King Dynasty will not exist thoroughly.”
Jiang Chen said loudly that does not care the threat of Retired Emperor.
„Young child is quite bold, really acts recklessly, thinks own a little talent can disregard all, today this King makes you know that anything is one should always strive for better, making you know that 2-Tier Battle King terror, this King today not only need kill you, but must extinguish the cleanness that kills Black Sect, the chicken dog does not remain, Eastern Continent or the Saint Martial King Dynasty world, who does not dare, since, that is one dies.”
A Retired Emperor round of silk vibrates, both eyes bloom just like the sharp sword same fine glow, the imposing manner of whole person as sharp as the extreme.
„Ha Ha, said that many to do, makes war directly.”
Jiang Chen laughs, above his both hands, covered entirely the scarlet dragon shade suddenly, both hands turned into two sharp incomparable dragon fingernails, Long Zhao moves casually, gave void is torn, the Jiang Chen big hand grasped forward, only listened to bang one, had several feet scarlet Long Zhao to drop from the clouds fully, covered to go toward Retired Emperor.
„Strive to excel.”
The Retired Emperor complexion changes, Jiang Chen got rid, making his heart that Jiang Chen to a belittling only saved vanish thoroughly, he was very difficult to imagine, a Battle Spirit Realm Late Stage boy, why can have the so formidable strength.
„Overturns the heavens seal.”
Retired Emperor both hands stretch out straight in front of oneself upwardly, a side just likes the mountain golden great seal appears suddenly, the unreal golden mountain appears exceptionally heavy, heavy, if thousand extremely heavy, was shot by Retired Emperor maliciously, pounds toward True Dragon Great Handprint.
Void was beaten instantaneously, black overflow from the void interior, form black storm, absorbs the person heart and soul, this is the might that the master of Battle King rank fights to erupt, the sole complementary waves are not the average person can imagine.
Pedals the step on step on
Retired Emperor continually retroceded several steps to stand firm the body, reviewed Jiang Chen, but withdrew from 56 backward, this collision, superficially, was Jiang Chen got the winning side only.
Retired Emperor calls out in alarm one, a pair of pupil soon jumps to project the spark, he cannot believe that simply his eye, by own skill, displayed the dynasty overturning the heavens seal, will defeat in a boy hand of Battle Spirit Realm unexpectedly, this was the scene that he had a dream cannot think.
„Quite fierce, Jiang Chen was too terrifying, has defeated 2-Tier Battle King unexpectedly.”
„Heaven, I saw anything, Jiang Chen unexpectedly really and creates a time miracle, it seems like that the Saint Martial King Dynasty destiny completely, really on the body of Jiang Chen, did not have anything is impossible.”
„Was fierce, this day, can have the so big progress, but that Retired Emperor is not the lamp of province oil, a moment ago two people were just the exploratory attacks. Then will have the good play to look.”
On the face of Black Sect revealed the excited color thoroughly, before all worry vanished to disappear, the first collision of Jiang Chen and Retired Emperor, has given their enough confidence.
„Unprecedented rare talent.”
Wu Jiu shook the head, regarding Jiang Chen, he does not know that said any was good.