Here space channel is exactly the same, cannot see anything completely, does not have what good choice, Jiang Chen must rush directly along with an attraction of space entrance, then at this time, Big Yellow Dog hastily said: „Enters left that hurry up.”
Jiang Chen arrived at a space entrance near, wants to transform the direction under the formidable attraction, is really the incomparably difficult matter, but the Big Yellow Dog words he must listen, Big Yellow Dog definitely induces anything, suddenly will let the transformation direction.
„Your Sir early did not say.”
Jiang Chen nearly spouts an old blood, he makes True Dragon Great Handprint, pushes out the attraction forcefully, but the contrast of that strength, lets the Jiang Chen incomparable discomfort, afterward, the Jiang Chen footsteps tremble, enters in the space entrance that Big Yellow Dog said like lightning.
So quick reaction rate, perhaps also only then Jiang Chen has been OK, even if Li Long and Guo Shaofei such 8-Tier Battle Emperor talent, when space feeder opening, gave up any idea of that the fast transformation direction, enters other entrances.
After Jiang Chen they enter to space entrance, a shadow just likes the ghosts and demons is the same, enters, before this shadow, simply has not appeared, actually does not know when directly appeared, he probably is specially for Jiang Chen comes, chose entered in the same channel with it.
„Some people have gone, we let us not delay, going in ended, the treasure was snatched up.”
Some Loose Cultivator shouted, therefore, person in groups crazy flushes away toward the white fog region, each enters member, can instantaneously attracting by the different space channels, transmits to the different places.
The so-called riches and honor depend on the appointment of heaven, where was transmitted, that is the life, this is the symbol of destiny, some people can obtain the buried treasure, henceforth amazes the world with a single brilliant feat, some people will be spread to a stretch of deathtrap, finally changes into the wild bone.
Forms were submerged by the white fog, several minutes, all people disappear to disappear, after all people enter to the white fog region, the rear space channel also disappears along with it disappearance, Death Mountains opens, such several minutes, five Lesser Saint do not dare to depend on Death Mountains to be too near, does not dare to support the space channel time to be too long, once has caused making a false counter-accusation of prohibition, the consequence is without doubt arduous, all enters the Death Mountains person, must die completely, this price no one can withstand.
brilliance dodges, Jiang Chen et al. entered to an independent space, many people also entered this space, the landing place is different, here dusky piece, was filling a aura of death everywhere, resulted in the enormous pressure to the mind of person.
„We entered to Death Mountains in now, everybody is more careful.”
The Wu Chang Old Man reminder said.
Jiang Chen just coming to a stop footsteps, suddenly felt that the back cool feeling, he turns head suddenly, discovers is after death completely empty, anything does not have, but a moment ago that Murderous Qi, actually incomparable obvious.
„Shadow person.”
Jiang Chen brow slightly pressed, in the eye flashed through fine glow, the shadow person appeared finally, they will be pestering you like the ghosts and demons endlessly, until killed you.
The Jiang Chen surface maintains composure, he was waiting for the shadow gets rid to oneself, he knows that the shadow person is looking for the opportunity of starting, the previous lesson will certainly make the shadow be taught, this person of getting rid, will not belittle himself again, therefore Jiang Chen must be more careful, shadow person, virtually impossible to guard against.
„Big Yellow, what did you induce?”
Jiang Chen looks to Big Yellow Dog, but this space the choice of Big Yellow Dog, wants to come certainly to have the good thing to exist.
„Concrete is any I do not know, but the intuition told me, here had certainly the treasure.”