Learning materialsshould be an intellectual challenge. This issue is highly topical nowadays since many of these study materials, and particularly for the ESP students, are also used online and students can use them for their self-study as well. ♥ The online study materials should be as follows:1. Study materials should have a clear, concise, logical and simple structure (information in bullets is preferred).2. Learning objectives and exercises/assignments/self-tests).3. The materials should be comprehensible and up-to-date.4. They should be easily navigated.5. They should be linked to other suitable materials and relevant websites. Finally, before using the study materials, be it online or traditional, teachers should explicitly explain to their. Guide can help students increase their chances of passing their ESP course successfully and effectively. This guide can serve as an introduction and motivation into the subject. Moreover, it can provide information about the subject; its goal, instruction how to study, or links to other sources.