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A day when you may get fantastic financial news you’ve earned will be August 16, thanks to the cooperation of the Sun in your workaday project sector, and Uranus, planet of surprise, in your earned income sector. The money you will hear about suddenly won’t be money you win or are given as a gift, but rather, will be money you earn, and it seems to be linked to an assignment you did some time earlier. This same day may bring other news too, and it will be related to your health or fitness, that your goal to become stronger will show exciting progress.Your career is about to take center stage, for now, Mars is in strong position and brilliantly lighting your fame sector.By the time you reach the full moon on August 18, you will be craving rest and relaxation. This full moon will light your twelfth house of creativity, solitude, and secrets. It is possible you will hear about a secret or cook up one of your own. If you have needed to have physical therapy, a hospital stay, rehab help, or other protocol of medical treatments, full moons tend to bring an end to those treatments, or at the very least, to an encouraging plateau.Now let’s talk about Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck. Jupiter has been touring your marriage and business partnership sector since August 2015 last year, so this year you may have become engaged or married, or felt much closer to your present partner. If you used Jupiter’s golden energy in terms of a business partnership, you received outstanding help from one or more business partners or collaborators. Your agent, manager, publicist, writing partner, business partner, investor, or others who bring expertise to your business are also among those who will be worth their weight in gold. If you regularly represent talent, for example, or you are a lawyer who represents various people, you will find that you have quite an important person to represent this month. You likely have a very good idea of what I am saying here, but in case not, you have one more chance to find out.Jupiter is getting ready to buy his air ticket to fly to Libra, and to leave Virgo, where he is now. He is due to arrive in Libra on September 9. Once Jupiter leaves, he won’t have time to get back to this area of your chart for twelve years. That doesn’t mean you can’t get married for another twelve years (heavens, no!) but that you were to receive special luck from a business or romantic partner now, while Jupiter is in Virgo this year. You will certainly have more opportunities throughout your lifetime. You also need to check for your rising sign too.This month, we have an extraordinary linking of two different planets on two different days with Jupiter while he is in his final days in Virgo, your opposite sign six months from your Pisces Sun.The first shining day will be August 21-22 (the aspect spans two days) when Mercury will conjunct Jupiter. You may get engaged or married over August 20-21, or you may see that your business partner takes very special care of you and be touched by the gesture. Mercury also is the natural ruler of your fourth house of home and family, so you may benefit from real estate in some way. You may get a new apartment, or be able to sell a house, as two examples, or find the perfect space to lease, if not for your regular residence, then perhaps for a vacation home. You may get help from a family member too – if so, that person loves you and it shows. This will be an extraordinary day, for Mercury and Jupiter have not conjoined in Virgo since August 23, 1992. Typically they meet every twelve years, but they skipped meeting in November 2004 and went directly to Libra. As you see, this month is special!Finally the second day I would like to point out is August 27, when Venus and Jupiter align, another dazzler of a day! Both Jupiter and Venus are associated with money, and some students of astrology are surprised to learn that Venus is associated with your finances too. Indeed she is, so on this day you may learn of a royalty or commission you have made, which thrills you. Money appears to be soon directed your way, and it appears to be due through the actions of a partner or someone who is about to represent you. Venus also happens to be associated with your third house of quick travel, so you may get a last-minute invitation to go to a friend’s house in the country or to go with your partner on a getaway to a highly romantic spot.
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