Something wonderful happened in this mission, something that will change our life forever but this is something that I would want to share with you alone, it is something that you must keep to yourself alone, but then I need your sincere trust on this. I know that you are a nice and wonderful person and that is why I will let you into every part of my heart and will not keep any secret from you, but I need your full assurance. During our patrol, our Intel passed a resourceful information to us and with the lead; we received approval to check up the enemy location and to our greatest surprise, we discovered that in their hide out they have pile of ammunition, a plan for a suicide plot still in planning stage, huge amount of cash in US dollars, other currency notes, jewelries, diamonds etc
These people are terrible, how can a human being sit and plan to kill fellow human beings just because of one man's point of view, it is unbelievable. Luckily for us we destroyed their hide out, but then I must be very honest to you as my true and only friend, I made away with huge sum of US dollars and other things, and it's safe with me at the moment, without a second thought I knew that the money will give you and me all the comfort we need when I leave here then help other less privileged people out there. I took it, in the box is the sum of $1.6m US Dollars, some jewelries and diamonds and my colleagues also took, we all got equal share and agreed to use it for charity work instead of living it there and this barbarians will use it and buy more ammunition's and kill innocent people.