In our study, antioxidant capacity increased in raspberry fruits
treated with the different concentrations of Aloe vera gel. The high
antioxidant capacity was found in raspberry fruits that were treated
with 50 and 75% and followed by 25% and control (Fig. 1C). Several
previous studies have shown that berries are a good source of
natural antioxidants (Heinonen et al., 1998; Wang et al., 1996).
These natural plant antioxidants include phenolic compounds and
anthocyanins (Hassanpour et al., 2011). Serrano et al. (2006)
observed that Aloe vera gel treated grapes increase antioxidant
activity. Also, Hu, Hu, and Xu (2005) demonstrated that Aloe vera
gel may increase the resistance of tissues to decay through
enhancing their antioxidant system and their free radical