Sees this old man, Jiang Chen et al. the complexions instantaneously change, because this old man they are not strange, on the same day follows Shangguan Clan and Ten Thousand Sword Sect Patriarch goes to Martial Palace to crusade against Jiang Chen one of them together, is a Shangguan Clan elder of noble character and high prestige, strong cultivation for has achieved Divine Core Realm Late Stage, unusual terror.
„Snort! The Shangguan Clan person also is really shameless, followed here unexpectedly.”
Jiang Chen cold snort, during spoken languages the difficult word to be angry, although he does not know that this old man names, but the opposite party Shangguan Clan status he is actually clear, the Shangguan Clan Battle Spirit Realm Late Stage master appeared in this place at this time, certainly is not looks for itself to chat.
But Shangguan Clan clearly is knowing one accepted in so difficult duty situation also to come, such doing sent is really somewhat disgusting.
The old men are not others, is Shangguan Yiqing grandfather Shangguan Ying, his hatred to the Jiang Chen, is the average man is unable to imagine.
At the eyesight of Shangguan hawk, saw above overcomes nature, in the eye cannot bear reveal the color of shock.
„Really has not thought that you have such method, blocks the space crack using the strategy unexpectedly, my grandson also has the extremely high attainments in the strategy, if were not you have killed him, he in the future surely will become one generation of strategy masters of great learning and integrity.”
Shangguan hawk opens the mouth saying that sees to overcome nature, lets resound the grandson of oneself that being proud he can not help once more, at a Shangguan Qing in attainments of strategy way, the future achievement, will not be the average person can surely in comparison.
„Are you Shangguan Yiqing grandfather?”
Jiang Chen suddenly.
„Right, the Jiang Chen young child, you kills my grandson, today I must tear to shreds you, here may not have nine emperor masters to guarantee you, I thought how you can escape the palm of old man.”
Sneering of Shangguan Ying face, this time he comes Origin Mountains, in fact is not the meaning of Shangguan Clan, but is he comes, after all Jiang Chen patches the space crack is Emperor Wu personally below duty, nine emperor masters cannot be involved, if oneself get rid in secret, broke the rule of Emperor Wu.
But Shangguan Ying to revenge to own grandson, could not give a thought to that many, he wholeheartedly is only thinking kills Jiang Chen, other does not matter.
Shangguan Yingjiang all attention fell on Jiang Chen, neglected completely has stood in the king of Yan Chen Yu ice monster, has not thought of the Jiang Chen side completely, will also have so formidable existence.
„Mother, Shangguan Clan is really mean, we such duty accepted, you actually in secret get rid, is a point compels the face not to want simply.”
Han Yan cannot bear scold.
„Snort! The Shangguan Clan afterall is also the sword state great big influence, so does to send really nauseously.”
Nangong Wen Tian is also a loathing of face.