What is western civilization ?
western civilization is The development of civilization with common elements that will make Civilization flourished in the past for example culture , language , art, religion and people . every element is important to the prosperity of a civilization.
Western civilization is Western culture, or some other substitute, such as lifestyle, Western civilization, Western European civilization, Culture, Europe, etc., as covered of cultural heritage about the moral tradition of social economic system. The political system of belief systems and values invention derived from the Western world, the term. Refers to a country that has a history of the migration of Europeans with such countries in the Americas to Australasia. Which does not limit that must come from Europe only. The development of civilization with common elements that make civilization flourished in the arts, language, culture, history, religion and people. Every element is important to the prosperity of a civilization. There are many cultures that appear in this world was created to solve the problems or meet the needs of the people in each community, there are cultural differences, according to the characteristics of residential landscape. Whether it's culture, language, food, people. Values are people's ideas are different. This is. Western civilization whether Greek-Roman Christian era popular Renault yio role is very important and unique. General law and government performance from the Christian religion, the World Jewish sect, mostly Renaissance focuses on renewed interest in vijja discovery. In the arts, letters, "neglected" or "die" in each era. Now there are also Christian education letter. The study of Western countries in the coming Thai banks, many of the medical missionary to teach. With conjunction with the religion called "Mo religion." Mathematics is one of the best Thai country technology itself has been training military and POW nupra consumption. The culture of Western countries there are several Thai Thai received food as well as the dress. The salutation
This is the West civilization is a civilization that flourished in each side, whether on the. Economic development Government and military traditions On the core value of ideas and action. Will make? Western civilization has flourished as much until today.
Ms. Yosita Chanakoch