Ye Wu You died, the Invincible Sect talent master, just came out to be killed to the second by Jiang Chen, this is a satire, the Ye Hui complexion is extremely without doubt ugly, a thick fear, own cousin, but 4-Tier Battle King, he has a dream cannot think that some day will die in this Chaotic Sea, will die in a youth hand of 1-Tier Battle King.
„How can like this? Homicide Ye Wu You, his how such?”
„How does he achieve?”
Li Hao with incomparable pale, only thought that at present such scene that the Xiu Rui complexion changes probably in having a dream to be the same, particularly Li Hao, before soon, his first time sees Jiang Chen time, from the start has not looked at Jiang Chen one, but regards the helper who it Tan Lang invited.
„Was a pity.”
Under the desert island, Jiang Chen looks by cleaving in two Ye Wu You, secret passage was being a pity, 4-Tier Battle King, a Invincible Sect talent character, the wealth in hand certainly is not a small number, what a pity like this vanishes to disappear along with the Ye Wu You death, Jiang Chen has not grasped, when strikes to kill Ye Wu You also to control its Qi Hai space, plunders the wealth.
Took him just to promote cultivation of 1-Tier Battle King, can cut to kill 4-Tier Battle King to depend upon the scheme and sneak attack, simply did not have the opportunity to control Ye Wu You Qi Hai.
Afterward, Jiang Chen gains ground, looks to above face ugly Ling Yi, said loudly: „The Asura Palace Hall grand guardian, saw, this is the fate, I urged you good that hurried to get the hell out.”
Listened to the provocation of Jiang Chen, the Ling Yi complexion is uglier, at the same time also reappeared the anger, his what kind status, the Asura Palace Hall eighth grand guardian, existence where regardless of arrived at respect, how could has received so the shame in spoken language.
„Jiang Chen, do not think that killed Ye Wu You to cope with me, I must kill that Monk today.”
Ling Yi was saying, turns toward in desert island to fly once more, Jiang Chen struck to kill is very clear, Jiang Chen that a moment ago the Ye Wu You scene he looks has replied on the strength of earth, unexpected under lets Ye Wu You the [say / way], that can carry on the method of attack to be indeed strong with the aid of the strength of earth, Ling Yi does not dare to despise, but Ling Yi knew the Jiang Chen method, naturally cannot same run to kill Jiang Chen to the fool, so long as fights in the upper air, that sneak attack turned uselessly.
Jiang Chen cold snort, stature flies the upper air in a flash once more, kept off in the Ling Yi near, since the earth prison had been seen through by Ling Yi, that can only also meet the tough head-on with toughness, Monk he must preserve in any case.
Therefore, two people entered the fierce combat once more.
After several minutes, two side troops arrive, Matchless Sword School came them, Heavenly Demon Palace also came them, before one is, appears in Chaotic Sea, this time belongs is guides, another is the genuine master, the talent of 4-Tier Battle King rank.
„Looks quickly, that is Matchless Sword School Ruan Xiong, Heavenly Demon Palace Tu Ran, came two terrifying characters.”
„Yes, Ruan Xiong and Tu Ran are the 4-Tier Battle King masters, is far from the general day can compare.”
The arrival of Ruan Xiong and Tu Ran, making the scene once more irritable, the goal that they come is very clear, for Monk, one kills Monk to revenge, second robs the treasure in Monk hand.
After Ruan Xiong and Tu Ran appear, then saw is being battled Jiang Chen and Ling Yi, they know the Jiang Chen status from the mouth of side person, is the shock is incomparable, afterward, several people then saw the Ye Wu You of tragic death above desert island.
„That is Invincible Sect Ye Wu You, was killed unexpectedly, who does?”
Ruan Xiong in great surprise.
„Is that Jiang Chen young child, he uses the scheme to sneak attack my male cousin.”
Saying that Ye Hui clenches jaws, before afterward, all that has said.