During my years of travelling in Pathumthani, I have met young men and women who are struggling with life as a direct result of early parental responsibilities caused by teenage pregnancy. They comment that if they had only listened to their family and finished their schooling,
they would be in a better position . The lack of adequate financial support has effect on the mother, the child and society on a whole. Lack of proper family planning
due to early pregnancy has led to many young girls to drop out of high school. This has led to emotional problems and low self esteem faced by both the male and female involved, the female who suffer the most since child rearing is largely the responsibility of
mothers. Estimates suggest that each year, slightly more than 10 percent of all births worldwide almost 15 million— are to adolescent women . It is also estimated that in developing countries , one in every sixth births will be born to a teenager. It is important to also connect to the social and impact that parenthood causes on the person and the society. Often the young parents have to adapt in three areas,family-of-origin relationship, changes in physical appearance and cognitive abilities, and changes in social activities. The demands of these three areas often cause immense social pressure on the individuals concerned.