Industry Number of articles (%)
Multi-sectors 67 53.17
Manufacturing 19 15.04
Textile 6 4.76
Cement 4 3.17
Pharmaceutical 3 2.38
Automotive 2 1.58
Food sector 2 1.58
Consumer electronics 1 0.791
Construction 1 0.79
Telecom 1 0.79
Petroleum 1 0.79
chemical 1 0.79
FMCG 1 0.79
Retail 1 0.79
Steel 1 0.79
Not mentioned 15 12
Total 126 100
Country Number of articles (%)
Pakistan 20 15.87
India 18 14.28
Iran 10 7.93
Turkey 9 7.14
Nigeria 7 5.55
Jordan 6 4.76
United States 3 2.38
United Kingdom 3 2.38
Malaysia 3 2.38
Kenya 3 2.38
Multi-country 6 4.76
Others 24 19.04
Not mentioned 13 11.15
Total 126 100
articles for the research. WCM research seems very popular in central Asia due to the
fact that many researchers selected companies of central Asian countries like India,
Pakistan and Iran for the sample of their research study. Researchers mainly focus on a
single country setting for their study. A little number of articles report on cross-country
settings which indicate lack of systematic literature to compare findings across different
contexts and cultures. List of countries with three or more research articles is presented
in Table IV. In addition to the country-wise classification, we have distributed the
selected published articles on the basis of development of economy, firm size and
research methods. Detailed classification is presented in Table V. Based on the level of
economic development; countries are classified as developed and developing. Developed
countries include the USA and Western European nations, and developing countries