We are would like to more explain to you of this matter.
As per below mail from Stephen is not a subjects.
We are announcement the new walkway and PPE when walk in the factory and working areas since Jan 7’ 2016 by email, safety talk and post a notice.
All employee acknowledge of this program but have an error in some time or somebody.
However, the safety coordinator have a monitor and action when we found or feedback from our employee.
This case, The safety coordinator has verbal warning to three employee and remind this program by call the morning talk to all employee immediately.
This near miss has from our employee and question why Stephen never wear the PPE when go to the workplace. How we answer to the employee?
We are talk to him every time when we found and heard from employee.
This is a subjects why this near miss has risen.
So, We are the Chonburi SHEA team are ongoing as FLS requirement at the moment.
Any comments or more detail please feel free to contact to me or coordinator directly.