1. Let the person rest for 10-20 minutes before measuring BP.
2. Do not take BP on an arm with an IV infusion, a cast, or a dialysis access site. F a person has had breast surgery, BP is not taken on that side. Also avoid taking BP on an injured arm.
3. Measure BP with the person sitting or lying. Sometimes the doctor orders measurement of BP in the standing position.
4. Apply the cuff on the bare upper arm. Clothing can affect the measurement. Do not apply the cuff over clothing.
5. Make sure the cuff is snug. Loose cuff can cause inaccurate readings.
6. Place the diaphragm of the stethoscope firmly over the artery. The entire diaphragm must be in contact with the skin.
7. Make sure the room is quiet. Talking, TV, radio, and sounds from the hallway can affect an accurate reading