Teachers stated that they are insufficient in their knowledge and understanding of migrant students. They need to be informed about cultural features of the migrant students during the education process. Besides, teachers want to learn how to treat and behave the migrant students. Educational need is also a general problem of teachers all over the world (Turner, 2007). This diagnosis reveals the pre-service and in-service training needs of the teachers (Pitkänen, Verma, & Kalekin-Fishman, 2002). It seems impossible for a teacher, who doesn’t know migrant pedagogy and the cultural feature of the migrant students in the classroom, to motivate and attract the attention of them. Although teachers have negative prejudices against migrant students, this prejudice can be overcome with training (Peguero & Bondy, 2010). It is understood from the findings that both native and migrant students have adaptation problem. The importance of quality and capability of teachers is important for the solution of this problem. It is not possible for a teacher, who doesn’t know about migrants, to introduce them to native students and build a favorable relation among them.