„I know your
mother's afterall, the father is asking you, actually that is Chu Feng who?” [gold/metal] Weie shouted angrily, afterward under a palm bang, a formidable strength, then dropped from the clouds, has covered the Heavenly Law Palace army.
That strength, compared with formerly to getting rid of Underworld Palace, but also is tyrannical, but he kept the hand, but forces, but does not have to capture, otherwise this moment Heavenly Law Palace people, are either dead or wounded.
„A bit faster his mother told me, otherwise I extinguished you immediately.” [gold/metal] Wei wicked item of dew ominous light, wicked saying.
Under this situation, Heavenly Law Palace disciple have also flustered, asked for instructions that Elder should not to know what to do, after all they faced, was the life and death crisis, but was very obvious, they do not want dead.
But, that Elder has to clench teeth first, afterward does intentionally calm saying:
„Chu Feng is Cyanwood Mountain disciple, but this child not has one's heart in right place, not only kills the Nangong Imperial Clan junior, but also steals away Nangong Imperial Clan Secret Skill, now had been expelled Master Men by Cyanwood Mountain, was collaborated to issue a warrant for arrest by four big Imperial Clan, is sinister junior who flees the horizon.”
He such remarks, in the people heart to their despising, aggravates immediately, is not only mean and shameless, but also so does not have the strength of spirit, insulted the name of sun, making one genuinely spurn.
„The Heavenly Law Palace old mixed wool, I only asked your one, if Chu Feng here, you can dare to say him like this?” The La Jiao angry interrogation, that Heavenly Law Palace Elder, confuses right and wrong, stands in the Nangong Imperial Clan standpoint, such not being able to withstand that Chu Feng described, she naturally is unable to endure.
„What I stated was the fact, had no qualms at heart, had what does not dare?”
„That Chu Feng, if stands in my front, I not only dare saying that I must enforce justice on behalf of Heaven, destroy completely the second son.” Heavenly Law Palace Elder said.
„I, facing evil person disciple, you did not say enforce justice on behalf of Heaven, instead such as the slave is common, lowers the head the obedience.”
„Regarding Chu Feng on the scene, you have not been shouting enforcing justice on behalf of Heaven actually, is really disgusting.” Saying that La Jiao despises extremely.
„Indeed disgusting.” Regarding the words of La Jiao, many people expressed the support.
„Today Heavenly Law Palace, makes me and others open mind actually, anything receives the sun, rewards virtue and punishes vice, is the nonsense, might as well Underworld Palace healthy tendency principle of righteousness.” Even some people open the mouth to insult directly.
On the scene, all characters have, some also stem from disciple of great person, therefore does not fear Heavenly Law Palace, naturally also some people.
In this case, lets the Heavenly Law Palace person, the complexion is very embarrassed, may not be good to refute, after all they indeed by gold for wicked threatening, the people stated that is also the fact.
„Ha Ha, actually no matter that Chu Feng is what person, but I calculate that looked, that Chu Feng was inferior to me.”
„At least does the misdemeanor, he does not have the frankness that I make, I said the girl, should not be dead set on to that Chu Feng, is with me.” But at this moment, [gold/metal] Weie yes Ha Ha said with a smile.
„Bah.” La Jiao has spat big saliva once again.
„Mother, the smelly woman, you may really propose a toast do not eat to be made to drink as a forfeit, the father good intention makes you be my woman you not to do, I make you be my slave, wants to play plays, wants to hit hits, now the father must play you in the presence of everyone.”
During the speeches, opens wide the bosom, at the same time, then by bound La Jiao, is the fluttering skirt pendulum, flies to that [gold/metal] Weie arms.
Freely, this moment La Jiao goes all out to compete, may actually not help matters, after all he and [gold/metal] Weie disparity, separation just like world.
At this moment, sees a play for a long time Chu Feng, the both eyes under that bamboo hat, the cold glow twinkle, he helplessly does not look that La Jiao falls into that [gold/metal] Weie arms.
„What person no matter Chu Feng is, in my opinion, you do not allot compared with him.” But in Chu Feng prepares to get rid, the voice of trembling world, resounds in the world together.
After this sound resounds, the form also appeared when the La Jiao body together, when he appeared, [gold/metal] Wei wicked bound La Jiao strength, was cut to cut open by that.
This, lets many people on the scene is the nerve one tight, because at this moment, appears before the La Jiao body, similarly is a young man.
A black hair, grips pony-tail, the solemn facial cast, is lending the ice-cold aura, what is most importan