Dear Poo
Poo, may i have the QP document for Choki Thai.
Cashew, Without cashew, and milk
Beside that i want to ask about the standart ps and viscosity for choki duo in Thailand
I just heard from Mr Stefanus that to make sure Choki duo in Thailand doesnt mixed between the Chocolate and the milk cream, the chocolate and the milk cream should has the exact same ps and viscosity. Is it possible to be done in Thai?
As i know the ps standart is set by range, so there should be a slightly difference between the chocolate and the milk cream. or in Thailand the ps is adjusted so it has the exactly same ps between the milk and the chocolate
How about the viscosity? What is the procedure to check the viscosity for milk and chocolate in Thailand. The temperature and the spindle number. I think it has a different value. Am i correct?