One must not second guess or question, rather every Jorda- nian who has developed this sense of pride must realize where these productions were created, and be proud of such quality! When considering this campaign, this is where one may have reservations: Given that the whole objective of the campaign is to boost the morale of Jordanians, why is it that a Lebanese company was awarded the tender, and pro- duction rights to all the signs that were placed on the Airport Road, and those soon to be around the capital installed mman? One could under- stand if there was paucity of resources or talent in the Jorda nian media industry, but man would challenge this point documenta- Going through Municipality tion at the Amman, you will find th Jordanian there are various companies that have the talent experience and desire to pro- quality duce the same demanded by this campaig One will also find that these same media houses in Jordan expertise have provided to companies in Lebanon