EXERCISE 2: Target Your Reader’s Personality
Let’s say that your favorite boss has asked you to write her a letter of
reference. She is up for a “plum of a job” and is proactively gathering
references. You’re being asked to submit a letter as someone who knows
her style and abilities as a boss. Your boss has asked that you write to the
person she is interviewing with, Frank Smith.
Think about your favorite boss. It could be the person you worked
for when you were in school, baby-sat, or mowed lawns. It could be your
current boss. Whoever you chose, think about what sort of job this
person would likely be applying for now. Think about what sort of
person Mr. Smith is likely to be. You can’t know, of course, but you
can come up with an educated guess based on the job and environment
Mr. Smith is in. You don’t need to know what’s in Mr. Smith’s heart,
nor do you need to know his essence. All you need to consider is what
he is likely to value.