Chapter XVI.
Mr. Booby invites everyone to accompany him and Pamela to their country home, since Lady Booby is now too bitter over the loss of Joseph to entertain any company. They all comply, and during the ride Joseph arranges with Wilson that he and Fanny will marry after Mrs. Wilson is with them. Everyone arrives safely, and Saturday night brings Mrs. Wilson. Soon the happy day arrives, and Fielding describes the wardrobe and wedding arrangements in some detail. The events of the wedding night he leaves to the reader’s imagination, though he makes clear in general terms that it is a rousing success.
Soon the Wilsons return home with the newlyweds in tow. Mr. Booby awards Fanny a fortune of £2,000, with which Joseph purchases a small estate near his father’s; Fanny manages the dairy and is soon on her way to producing their first child. Mr. Booby also awards Mr. Adams a living of £130 per year and makes the Pedlar an excise-man. Lady Booby soon returns to London, where card games and a young soldier allow her to forget Joseph.