Compost bins and heaps
Home composting bins you can buy or make include:
• plastic bins with ventilation holes or slits
• plastic bins without ventilation
• metal drums with holes punched in the side and the base removed
• rotating drum units (tumblers)
• enclosures made from timber (planks or sleepers), bricks, or chicken wire.
How to compost
1. Choose a shady spot in the garden to start your compost heap or to position your compost bin. There are many types of composting bins available - some require mixing and some don't.
2. Add to your compost in layers of food scraps, garden clippings and paper.
3. Keep your compost moist, but not wet and aerate it about once a week.
4. When your compost is dark and crumbly (about four months) dig it into your garden or spread it on top as mulch.