I am writing to inform you that just before the half term break, Grace, Aimee's one to one, left HeadStart to return to Singapore for personal matters. Her departure was rather sudden and this left Aimee feeling quite unsettled. However, we have had a lady who has been working throughout the Foundation classes since September and who has worked with Aimee in a number of lessons; she has stepped into Grace's shoes and has said she would continue to work with Aimee until the school can find a suitable replacement for Grace.
It has been observed that Aimee has been very changeable in the last couple of weeks and her behaviour has returned to biting and lashing out and causing harm to others. This has not been helped with Grace's departure, however, her behaviour is now becoming more of a concern to us.
Please can you indicate the next time you may be in Phuket so we can review Aimee's progress and discuss the next steps. Failing that, perhaps we could set up a Skype call once we have returned to school.
We would also like to see any medical certificates or information you may have regarding Aimee's previous frequent trips to hospital.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Kind regards
Fiona Scott
Deputy Head of Foundation a