did you ever think
the stars would be aligned?
that you would smile and someone
would see in your eyes
their heart's reflection?
did you wonder
what it would feel like to have her heart
yours to have and to hold
it must be scary to be trusted in that way
not sure if you should stay or run?
wondering would she feel the same way
when she opens her eyes tomorrow?
would you still see your heart's reflection
in a day or two?
always wondering if the magic will last?
will she decide she's had enough?
you are not what she imagined...
reality is, she shares your fear
she has the same questions
just spun in another way
it is human
the only difference is
how you treat that precious gift
nurture it,
even if just with your actions
it doesn't take riches
to care and to adore
just you and your time
a whole lot of honesty and trust..
nurture her
nurture the love you share
you will see your heart’s reflection