he next step, please log in to your account by using your own user name and pasword to complete your profile and add your pictures to search for your ladies and get free trial membership for 12 days
You can log in to your account at http://www.sweetsingles.com/en
( Sweet Singles offers a free trial membership, which allows you to add your profile and pictures, browse the site, search and view other members for free at http://www.sweetsingles.com/en )
***** Free # 1 : If you add your picture and complete your profile completely and honestly, your profile can be approved of getting free responses from ladies who are interested in you. (Sweet Singles Thai ladies are genuinely seeking their nice foreign soul mates and not looking for playing games over the internet. They consider completed profile with pictures more interesting& honest than profile with no pictures & details.)
***** Free #2 : You can choose to reply back to any mails you receive through the site only for 12 days for free. After 12 days, if you are seriously in pursuing a relationship and continue contacting them, you will need to be a paying member. If you are not interested in anyone sincerely, not serious and just looking for fun or whatever reasons, you can leave our site with no problem.
( 1. ) You can add your own profile and pictures while you are online. To add your pictures, please click on the button " MY PICTURE " .You can post total 12 pictures on your profile. ( You can upload the maximum of 4 pictures at a time.) If you don't know how to upload your pictures, please send your pictures to our office email at photo2016@gmail.com along with your user name and we will upload your pictures to your profile for you.
( 2. ) You can update your profile and pictures whenever you want to by logging into your account. You will need a username and password to log into your account at http://www.sweetsingles.com/en. To add or update your general information, please click on the link Add / Modify General Infomation
To add or update your personalites or hobbies, please click on the link Add / Modify Personalities / Hobbies
To add or update about what you are seeking, please click on the link Add / Modify What I Seek
( 3. ) You can control who you allow and not allow to view your own profile by logging into your account and click "REMOTE CONTROL"
( 4. ) You can change your password whenever you want to by logging into your account and click on the button "CHANGE PASSWORD"
( 5. ) You can add any ladies to your friend list by clicking on "Add my friend"
( 6. ) You can search for other members by clicking on the button "Search" or "Advance Search" The Advancd search will allow you to search for other members by any criteria such as search by English skill, Marital Status, Education,... or Who is Online etc.
We hope you enjoy using our services and will find your dream soul mate in the near future. Any comment or advice to improve our service are welcome.
Best Wishes & Regards,
Sweet Singles Thailand
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