. 5.1.6 Energy demandTo more understand the SECLR-WS process, the simplified heat calculation is performed.The heat duty for each reactor is calculated by Q(heat duty) = nihiout indemand of reactor is calculated by Q =Q +Q +Q . The negative and positive70 where ni and hi are molar flow rate and specific molar enthalpy of component i. For the net heat duty or total heattotal ,reactor FR SR calcinatorsign of Q is represented the nature of the process in terms of exothermic and endothermic process,respectively.Figure 5.20 shows the effect of the SFR/CH4 and Fe3O4/CH4 molar ratios on the energy demand of the FR for each temperature. It was found that the exothermic conditions in the FR could be obtained at low FR temperatures. At low FR temperatures, the water-gas shift (Eq. (3.2)) and carbonation (Eq. (3.3)) reactions, which are exothermic, were favored; thus, the heat demand in the FR was decreased. The high SFR/CH4 molar ratio had the tendency to increase heat duty in the FR while the high Fe3O4/CH4 molar ratio had the tendency to decrease heat duty in the FR.